I am responsible for building and maintaining the theScore's eSports app on a daily basis. We program primarily in Swift, and occasionally Objective-C to support legacy components. I have worked on UI, data model, and networking components in the app. I also have extensive knowledge on several eSports we cover, allowing me to contribute in product conversations. Despite my love for the app, I enjoy working with our scrum development team the most.
Most of my time is dedicated to supporting customers in workshops, proposals, and project executions. It's my job to understand their needs and wants, then to transform those requirements into a specific product. I've learned that flexibility and responsiveness are key to making customer projects successful.
I am a mobile developer with recent experience coding in Swift, Objective-C, and a past history of Java. I've created virtual reality games, dabbled in shell and database scripting, and created simple networking applications. I enjoy learning new programming concepts and using them in my projects.
I conduct user studies and usability tests, create information architecture diagrams, wireframes, low/high fidelity mockups and prototypes. My Bachelor's specialization in cognitive science helps me understand users from a psychological perspective.
Technical titles and experience aside, I would describe myself as a learner and visualizer. With technology evolving faster than we can think, it's more important to be a quick learner who can apply existing knowledge to any new situation.
You have know what you don't know before you can start to understand a problem in its entirety. My first step is to break the problem down into smaller pieces and visualize how we could solve each one to reach the final solution.
See my LinkedIn profile for more work and education experience.